Jobs Where Eye Protection is Crucial

Jobs Where Eye Protection is Crucial
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There is nothing more precious than human eyes. They are the most beautiful gift from God to see and admire this beautiful world. However, eyes are also the most sensitive and vulnerable part of a human body. They need to be protected and taken utmost care of. And if you’re in a profession where your eyes are exposed to dangers on a daily basis, then you need to be extra cautious and shield them with high quality eye protection gear.

Eye protection is often overlooked and neglected despite eye-related injuries increasing every year. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, there were 18,510 eye-related injuries in 2020.

There are many professions, where eye-protection is absolutely critical. Even an office worker, who spends hours working on computers, faces potential risk due to blue light exposure. But construction workers, welders, factory workers, machine operators, mining professionals or those who work outdoors face greater risk to their eyes. In such high-risk environments, it’s the responsibility of management to provide workers with the best quality eye protection gear which is both comfortable and effective. 


Eye-protection is extremely critical and ignoring it can lead to irreparable consequences. Let’s delve into jobs where eye-protection is a high-priority and if neglected could cause some serious eye damage. 

Construction work:

Jobs Where Eye Protection is Crucial

Construction sites are a dangerous place to be without proper eye safety gear. If you’ve visited a construction site before then you must be aware of the type of work that is being carried out there on a daily basis. Cement mixing, grinding & chipping coupled with other tools and machinery just produce dirt, and chemicals on a large basis. Everyone present around is at the risk of eye injury. Dust, cement, chemicals or small stones may directly strike the eyes causing a serious damage to the eyes or face. So workers, supervisors or foremen, each need safety glasses, shatter-resistant glasses,  as well as UV Blocking lenses to keep the eyes safe from any form of danger.

The daily exposure to dust, sharp objects, light & chemicals makes wearing eye-protection gear must on construction sites. There are 10,600 eye-related injuries each year in the construction field. The number may look small but the impact of these injuries is huge and may even result in eye-injury or even permanent blindness. So make sure you get the best quality eye protection gear from a reputed dealer and safeguard the health of your workers.

Welding jobs:

A welder should never compromise on his eye safety while working. Welding job requires full focus and working in close range so eyes are at risk of coming in contact with the highly dangerous ultraviolet and infrared light which is emitted after intense fusion of metals. A welder needs a comfortable and high-quality eye protection gear which protects eyes and even prevents a welder from catching a condition known as “arc eye” or welder’s flash. Welder’s flash is nothing but sunburn in the eyes. Though it can happen if eyes are exposed to any type of UV rays but in this case, welder’s flash is caused mainly by the welding torch. If the exposure to UV rays is intense, it may damage the cornea.  So welders need high-quality and comfortable helmets, hand gloves and safety goggles that protects them from heat, radiation and light. 

Welding accidents and injuries are common. To know how common they are, let’s check the data & statistics of 2023. According to The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), for every 100 million work hours, about 1,000 workers suffer a welding-related injury & 21 welding accidents in the United States for every 100,000 workers. 

Nursing jobs:

Hospitals are crowded with patients carrying different viruses, infections and diseases. Among the healthcare professionals, doctors, nurses and other medical professionals are under a higher risk to their health. In particular, nurses, due to their close and continuous patient interaction. However, the dangers to which nurses are exposed on a daily basis may not be evident. While taking care of patients, nurses come in contact with blood, urine and bodily fluids which makes them easily susceptible to various health risks. While moving patients or injecting them, bodily fluids or other harmful bacteria or viruses may enter through the nose or throat putting the lives of nurses in danger. Some of the bacteria may enter through the eyes and even cause eye infections such as pink eye (conjunctivitis). Nurses need to be equipped with comfortable and quality face shields and safety goggles. These safety goggles and face shields may benefit both the nurses and patients. Eye protective gears may reduce any health risk among the nurses and allow them to stay healthy and propel them to deliver quality healthcare.  

In 2016, workplace hazards for Registered Nurses resulted in 19,790 nonfatal injuries and illnesses that required at least 1 day away from work, at an incidence rate of 104.2 cases per 10,000 full-time workers (private industry).

Factory jobs:

Irrespective of the nature of the job & the working environment, working in a factory is challenging for any worker. A factory worker might be frequently exposed to toxic solvents or might be handling skin sensitive products or machinery. Furthermore, the discharge of harmful pollutants pose several health risks to its workers. Even the waste and the gasses emitted can be harmful in many ways. So factory workers must be provided with the best safety gear. Safety goggles for protecting eyes, face shields for protecting face or helmets or jackets if the need arises.

According to data collected by global workers’ union IndustriALL, in 2021, at least 429 accidents occurred in India’s manufacturing industries, including chemical and pharmaceuticals, mining, and steel, in which more than 352 workers lost their lives and over 700 workers were injured. In 2021, Industrial estimated an average of seven accidents were reported every month in Indian manufacturing plants, killing more than 162 workers and leaving others disabled for life or badly injured.

Electrical jobs:

Picture the environment in which an electrician operates: tangled wires, switchboards & exposed circuits. In this setting, even a minor spark can lead to a potentially dangerous short circuit. So electricians are expected to be precise and meticulous in their work. The job of an electrician is extremely risky, and depending upon the type of electrical work, can be dangerous and challenging. Though a trained electrician will perform the job flawlessly while prioritizing safety, the degree of risk depends on several factors, including the type of electrical work, the work environment, safety precautions, and safety gear provided to the electrician. Comfortable and quality safety gear will minimize the risks when working with live electrical circuits, which can be extremely dangerous. 

Electrical shock or electrocution is common but can be avoided with proper training, safety procedures, and personal protective equipment. Even when performing minor tasks, electricians must wear safety goggles to protect their eyes from sparks, dust, or flying debris, such as nails.

It is estimated that there are between 500-1,000 deaths from electrical injuries every year in the United States. In 2019, out of every 100,000 electricians, 166 died from electrical accidents.

Wrap Up: Jobs Where Eye Protection is Crucial

Eye safety is of paramount importance but often overlooked. Investing in high quality safety equipment is the key to preventing eye-related injuries in various occupations including construction, welding, nursing, factory & electrical. However, protecting our eyes is a responsibility we owe to ourselves. If you have any doubt about the quality of your safety equipment or are forced to work without it, it’s within your rights to decline working in such conditions. This principle extends to your home life as well – always ensure you wear safety equipment before engaging in any risky household tasks. 

So understand the importance of eye safety and only invest in high-quality safety gear, so we can minimize the risk of eye injuries and promote a working culture where safety of workers is highly valued. 


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